Saturday, August 25, 2012

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For a time, I hesitated for a moment, I light my own words, that I am not afraid of anything, but Dai children around, all on completely different, I can not guarantee that she will not be hurt.
To Qianzou her? That more than lose face, it was not obvious that I'm afraid the only Sao Huli? Just recognize the loss of face thing I can quit, the man in the woman in front of this little vanity or to maintain the .
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Dai children watching the look of shock, I could not help burst chuckle, since she is my woman, some secret you do not have her confidentiality, such as Yinlang is one of them!
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I have no more than delay and said: softly on Yinlang, The Yinlang contemptuous glance at me, shook his tail, Road of Zeizei: To Hen Henqiao a Yinlang the head a bit, I bitterly: Crestfallen Qiaqiweiba in Yinlang, grievances toward the shawo direction ran, ran off the side of the Road: Looked at the silver magic dingy away figure, I am satisfied nod

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

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Friday, August 17, 2012

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It is now nine o'clock in the evening, assessment room for up to several hours of debate is not the outcome.
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5,000 field, nearly 10 times more than we do now Sichuan army is no different breaks against now is that the only the cage City (adhere to city). the other side tens of thousands of army consume hugely from a variety of patchwork. will not last long siege. Imagawa Yoshimoto rush on Luo, not a long time spent in the cage City insisted there is hope! we are still in this Sichuan home forces surrounded the outcome is self-evident! Mo is better with the Imagawa family to talk about and Imagawa Yoshimoto's on Rockwell, but also the face of the strong enemy of the the Miyoshi home hexagonal home. He should be very glad we joined!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

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Although the vast land, but after all the land of the border, regardless of population or the level of economic development can not be compared with the Central Plains region and the Jiangnan around, not to mention the Central Plains and the southern East, the continent has historically been a shortest, only zhan these two regions can truly realize your dream in the heart. Northwest is just laying the foundation of the land, in order to even greater development, sooner or later get into the Army Central Plains road, so we have to take all preparations as soon as possible. I lie on your back in a comfortable chair there is no sound, there is a reason Ling Liberating did not say it will expel these bandits forces to the neighboring government county, so that in these areas, you can also consume the power of these local police forces , if these bandits forces near the House County police forces defeated incorporated is better, we have inside the police forces of these areas can take the opportunity to mix, and secondly, these bandits has been our military defeat, naturally would our military's fighting capacity to produce The fear, if the future with our military fighting this psychological fear is bound to affect the combat effectiveness of all these forces to fight with us.
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Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

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If Oda Hong's life is repeatedly parasitic drifted away, his own life is to keep trading from birth to be sold to the Queen Mother of the West family, after the collapse of the Queen Mother of the West family, for a new buyer ... like this to be price and put the feel that they are already familiar with.
Deliberate blackout because the elders, so Fenghua is not clear Chiba home as seen, however, certain aspects of society, she Buzhi Yu do not know what is called the But after some conversation, but let elegance can not help wondering. Opinion, everything has an exception, like the Queen Mother of the West family to own such a heterogeneous brothel those in charge of this generation, it seems different from past The style of her own disposal, but before the unexpected.

Monday, August 6, 2012

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